Proofreading for Court Reporters
I proofread for technical precision, examining every transcript for readability, accurate spelling, typos, capitalization, missing or transposed words, consistent formatting, and correct punctuation. I also do light research to check names and addresses and check exhibit lists for accuracy.
I am a graduate of Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ with experience in proofreading transcripts of all types, including depositions, EUOs, hearings, and interpreted proceedings. These include testimony in many subjects, such as construction, workers' compensation, insurance claims, and medical and technical expert witnesses.
Your preference always takes precedence, but I have been trained according to NCRA guidelines and have a working knowledge of several style guides, including:
Lillian Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters
Margie Wakeman Wells's Court Reporting: Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation
The Gregg Reference Manual, 10th Ed.

Rates and Policies
Rates apply to pages with 25 lines or less. For pages consisting of more than 25 lines, an additional fee of $0.05 per page will apply.
Meeting your deadlines is very important to me. Please contact me prior to sending your transcript to ensure that I have room in my schedule to accommodate your request. For your convenience, I accept work on Saturdays and Sundays at no additional charge.
Turnaround rates are based on Mountain Standard Time and will be calculated based on when the job is received. Jobs received after 8 p.m. MST will be logged in as received at 8 a.m. the next business day as the basis for turnaround rates.
I will send a preference sheet to new clients to fill out. It is highly recommended that these be filled out before completion of the first job as there is a learning curve in a new client/proofreader relationship. These preference sheets improve communication and help me learn your preferences more quickly, resulting in less frustration and fewer miscommunications on both our parts. The “agreement to terms of service” portion must be signed prior to completion of any work.
Large Jobs
If your file is larger than 150 pages, or if you have a Rush or Expedited job, please send the file in batches of 50 pages or less so that I can be working on it alongside you. This will speed up total turnaround time, and may even save you money, as rates will be based on when each portion of the transcript is received.
Extra Charges
Transcripts should be scoped and as close to turn-in ready as possible when submitted to me. It is my job to catch stray errors, and the more errors the transcript contains, the higher the likelihood that I will miss one. Unpolished transcripts (those that average errors on 70% or more of pages) may be charged an additional $0.10 per page at my discretion. I will notify you of this as soon as I make the determination.
Transcripts that are exceptionally dense (such as hearings or arbitrations with margin-to-margin wording and very little white space per page) or with extensive technical language (medical, legal, or expert witness) are subject to a fee of $0.10 per page at my discretion due to the extra time involved. I will notify you of this as soon as I make this determination. The technical charge can be waived if you or your scopist have verified that all technical terms are spelled and used correctly and you only need me to check for common errors.
Invoices are sent out on the 1st and 16th of every month. Payment is expected within 14 calendar days. I accept payments via GooglePay, Venmo, or check.
New or one-time clients are billed upon completion of the first job, and payment is expected within 7 days. The initial invoice must be paid before I can begin work on your next job.
Payments not received within the time frame are subject to a late fee of 10% per month.
I read transcripts in PDF format. From your software, simply choose "print to PDF" and then save and email the file. Feel free to ask for any assistance; I am happy to help!
I will return only annotated pages in PDF via email unless you would prefer the entire transcript. This way you will be able to see all of the corrections easily and in context. You’ll see red markings and yellow highlights. Blue may be used if I leave a note. Please open these files in the latest version of Adobe Reader to be sure that you see all of the annotations.
Download a PDF of my proofreading rates and policies here